Monday, May 13, 2019

My First Pregnancy #1 (Trimester 1)

10:35 0 Comments
Assalamu'alaikum semuanyeee...

duileeeh udeh lama bangat kaga nulis di mari ^_^
Langsung aja deh, tapi pake Bahasa Indonesia yg baik dan benar aja deh yaaa ceritanya.

Jadi, setelah melangsungkan pernikahan di tanggal 01 September 2018 lalu, aku dinyatakan positif hamil di tanggal 14 November 2018, dan ternyata itu sudah masuk usia 6 minggu kehamilan ^__^ *aaakkk terharuuu
Aku punya feeling kalo aku hamil karna sudah telat haid 5 hari dan beberapa hari belakangan itu badan aku terasa lebih lemah, lebih cepet capek dari biasanya. Apalagi waktu itu sempet pp Tambun - Puncak sama suami naik motor dan disana aku muntah muntah terus :(
Makin yakin aja kalo ini beneran udah badan dua, eh bener aja dooong :'')

Waktu awal periksa cuma di bidan deket rumah, tapi itu bener bener gak di cek apa apa, di sentuh pun engga. Cuma di kasih vitamin asam folat sama bidannya. Disitu aku mikir ini jadi beneran hamil apa engga sih, gaada kepastian :(

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

I wanna be a Supper Girl

09:53 0 Comments
Assalamu'alaikum kakak adik sahabat semua..

Sudah sekian lama aku tidak menulis disini..
Sepertinya kali ini aku ingin bebrbagi sedikit cerita beberapa hal yang aku alami setahun belakangan ini ^_^

Okay, pertama aku mau kasih tau nih kalau Alhamdulillah 12 Oktober 2015 lalu aku sudah menyelesaikan studyku dan di wisuda dengan gelar S.Kom dibelakang namaku...
Senang? Pasti. Terharu? Banget. Puas? Hihi engga... Bersyukur pastinya yaa...

Moment perpidahan tali & salaman sama Ibu Rektor ^_^

Wajah bahagia berseri seri terpampang deh yaa di foto itu...
Tapi dibalik moment ini pastinya banyak pahit manis jungkir balik perjuangan, dari yang pemahaman materi, nilai, bahkan sampai biaya sekalipun. Ditambah lagi adanya klimaks problem keluarga inti aku yang membuat konsentrasi ku terpecah melawan perang batin.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014


11:51 1 Comments
Everyone has fears of each and sometimes the feared object is unique for several people.

Yes, I'm a person with astraphobia. I most can’t deal with thunderstorms. Seriously, I can’t handle them! Each heavy rain I would immediately paranoid, do not dare to look out the window and direct attach headphones to hear the song with the volume loud enough. I am a person who likes to drizzle and rain. But when the storm comes, things could turn 180 degrees. I was busy looking for a place to hide the soundproof or closing head with a pillow and blanket in the room.

11.11.11 = Love

09:26 0 Comments

11.11.11 - 11.11.14 

 I LOVE YOU are words just three, which mean so much on our ANNIVERSARY..

So, this is what I want to say, live in my heart and there forever stay!
You're truly a blessing from God.

Thank you for being my partner, spouse, lover, and bestfriend.
No one else in this world would understand me the way you do beibh…

My Family

08:11 0 Comments
I'm just an ordinary girl who was born of an ordinary family. I was the eldest of three brothers. My father was a private employee and my mother is a housewife. We all had 21 years living in Bekasi, precisely in Tambun.

Lots of ups and downs that we had together. I always hope that my family is always together even under any circumstances. But, all hope is destroyed, my parents split up. Anger, hate and ego can't longer to be appeased. The presence of a third person is the main cause of all the problems that exist.

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